20 Jobs for Consulting found
Financial AssistantID:36396
3,500 SGD ~ 4,200 SGDCityJob Description
Our Client, a prestigious Japanese law firm, is currently seeking a Finance Assistant to join their Singapore team!【 Responsibilities 】- Prepare and issue invoices for clients in a timely and accurate manner.- Verify invoice details, including timesheets, reimbursements, trips, and claimable items, in coordination with internal and external contacts.- Liaise with the Tokyo office and other locations regarding invoicing and financial reporting.- Communicate with external stakeholders, including clients, accounting firms, and law firms.- Create accounting documents and enter data into the accounting system.- Process payments through an online banking system.
【 What you will receive 】
- Variable Bonus: Based on company and individual performance.
- Annual Leave: 14 days (up to 21 days maximum).
- Medical Leave
- Medical Benefits & Insurance: Includes dental coverage.
- Work-from-Home: Up to 5 days per month.
- Flexible Working Hours【日系コンサル】人事・総務職ID:36415
3,000 SGD ~ 4,000 SGDCityJob Description
マーケットリサーチコンサルティング会社にて人事・総務職を募集しております。 【 業務内容 】- 採用活動および管理業務のサポート(書類作成、面接日程調整など)- 従業員記録の管理・更新、勤怠管理(タイムシート確認、出勤・休暇の追跡)- 求人掲載、書類作成、面接スケジュール調整などの採用関連業務- 従業員のプロフィールや記録の整理・更新、勤怠・休暇管理- 請求書処理や経費精算などの基本的な経理業務のサポート- HRおよび経理部門の一般事務サポート(オフィス用品管理、会議のスケジュール調整、カレンダー管理など)- 書類整理、データ入力、郵便物処理などの基本的なオフィス業務- 日本関連案件の種類管理- その他、必要に応じた業務のサポート
【 福利厚生 】
- 業績賞与(会社および個人の業績による)
- 年次有給休暇:14日
- 医療休暇:14日Accountant Manager/Assistant (Korean Speaking)ID:36409
3,800 SGD ~ 7,000 SGDCityJob Description
Our client, a Korean consulting firm in Singapore, provides realistic and tailored consultation services to meet diverse customer needs, leveraging in-depth knowledge and experience of local market conditions across various nations.They are currently seeking an Accountant Manager/Assistant to join their team.【 Responsibilities 】- Prepare financial statements using XERO, ensuring compliance with Singapore reporting standards.- Serve as the first point of contact for clients, addressing accounting, tax, and corporate secretarial matters.- Provide tax consultation services.- Prepare and file annual reports and XBRL reports with ACRA.- Handle IRAS tax filings, including Corporate Tax, GST, Individual Income Tax, and Withholding Tax.- Process monthly payroll, including CPF, SDL, SHG contributions, etc.- Prepare AIS and IR8A reports, ensuring accurate data input into the IRAS system.- Support clients through the annual audit process, liaising between the client and auditors to meet reporting deadlines.
【 What you will receive 】
- Variable Bonus (Depends on Company and Individual performance)
- Annual Leave: 16 days
- Medical Leave: 14 days
- Medical Benefit
- Self-development grant【日系法律事務所】経理アシスタントID:31435
3,500 SGD ~ 4,200 SGDCityJob Description
シンガポールにオフィスを置く日系の大手法律事務所にて、経理アシスタントを募集しております。【 主な業務内容 】- ASEAN地域のクライアントに向けて請求書の準備と発行- 請求書内容のチェック- 請求書を発行するために必要な社内外関連部署とのやりとり(日英、会話・メールにて)- 各種レシートや請求書等のファイリング及び整理- その他発生するアドミン業務のサポート
【 福利厚生 】
- 業績、パフォーマンス賞与
- 有給休暇:14日
- 病気休暇【日系コンサル】マネージャー / ディレクター(戦略コンサルタント)ID:34579
10,000 SGD ~ 20,000 SGDCityJob Description
アジアを中心に展開する戦略コンサルティングファームにて、マネージャーもしくはディレクターとしてご活躍いただける方を募集しております(役職タイトルはご経験によって決定)。主にプロジェクトマネージャーとしてデリバリー業務や日系企業の海外事業(アジア中心)戦略/進出戦略/新規事業戦略等のプロジェクトリードをお願いします。【 主な仕事内容 】- 戦略/経営コンサルタントのご経験を活かし、シンガポールでの新規顧客獲得、及び組織リードの担当- 各プロジェクト案件のデリバリー(海外進出支援/経営戦略策定・実行支援/サスティナビリティ戦略/新規事業創出/人事・組織開発/M&A等)- 新規/既存クライアントとのミーティング設定、ニーズや課題のプロジェクト化- プロジェクトのワークプラン立案- 現状調査、結果・内容の分析、改善施策の検討- クライアントへのプレゼンテーション- オンサイトでの改善施策の実施と検証- 課題やリスクに合わせた、スケジューリング等のプロジェクトマネジメント- ソリューションを持つベンダーをはじめとしたパートナー企業の選定、交渉等【 求人/企業の魅力 】- シンガポールだけでなく、東南アジア諸国のプロジェクトにも関わっていただきます ※適性に合わせて勤務地を決定します
【 福利厚生 】
- 業績賞与
- 有給休暇
- 医療費補助
- 教育手当ありMarket Researcher & Digital MarketerID:36353
4,500 SGD ~ 7,000 SGDCityJob Description
Our client, a leading Market Research consulting firm, is seeking a talented Market Researcher & Digital Marketer for a hybrid role that blends client-focused market research with digital marketing expertise. This position is pivotal in delivering valuable insights to clients while driving the company’s digital marketing efforts.【 Responsibilities 】1) Market Research - Conduct comprehensive market research and analysis for clients to evaluate industry trends, brand awareness, and competitive landscapes- Perform objective studies on current market trends, potential partners, and competition to support critical analysis for clients- Analyse client and market data to identify areas for improvement and new opportunities for the client's growth and expansion- Develop business strategies for clients considering cross-border tax, law, and government regulations2) Digital Marketing Support- Support the development and posting of engaging content for various platforms, including websites, LinkedIn, Medium, and Google My Business- Conduct market research and analysis to develop content- Support on content creation such as designing engaging and visually appealing content across various platforms- Support content scheduling, posting, and engagement tracking- Conduct keyword research to improve messaging and SEO- Identify potential partners for strategic collaborations to enhance our brand reach- Research third-party platforms and websites to feature opportunities- Regularly maintain marketing collaterals for improved team access
【 What you will receive 】
- Annual Leave: 14 Days
- Medical Leave
- Medical Benefits: Up to SGD 500 per year【法律事務所】弁護士(パートナー)ID:33970
10,000 SGD ~ 15,000 SGDOthers, CityJob Description
日系法律事務所にて弁護士を募集しております。アジアの中心であるシンガポールでは、多くの日系企業が地域統括本社を配置しており、ASEANでビジネスを行う上で、法務・コンプライアンスにおいても重要な拠点となっております。【 主な仕事内容 】- 東南アジア各国に進出する日系企業に対するリーガルサービスの提供- 国内外でのM&A関連の支援- 各種訴訟対応- 英文契約書の作成等
【 福利厚生・手当て 】
- AWS:原則有り(12月末)
- 交通費:別途支給(公共交通機関のみ)
- 有給休暇:18日
- 書籍・研修にかかる費用:事務所負担M&A Consultant (Japanese Speaking)ID:35835
5,000 SGD ~ 6,000 SGDCityJob Description
Our client, an accounting firm specializing in audit, tax, and advisory services, is seeking a Japanese-speaking Merger & Acquisition Consultant (M&A Consultant).In this role, you will work closely with clients to maximize portfolio value, support account and transaction teams in delivering strategic consulting services, and identify, plan, and execute consulting workshops for both clients and internal teams.【Responsibilities】- Assist the project manager in coordinating with the legal team for projects across Southeast Asia.- Serve as the point of contact for the legal team during M&A negotiations.- Contribute to the creation and implementation of innovative strategies aimed at improving user experience and workplace productivity.- Develop and execute change management plans to guide clients through major transitions such as organizational restructures or new work environments. - Assess and evaluate location options at various levels—market, city, national, and regional—to meet business requirements.- Handle M&A re-engineering processes and contribute to business strategy development, among other related tasks.
【What you will receive】
- Variable Bonus (Depends on the company performance & individual performance)
- Annual Leave: 14 days
- Medical Leave: 14 daysReceptionist & Medical Translator (Japanese Speaking)ID:33363
3,500 SGD ~ 5,000 SGDCentralJob Description
Our client is a Japanese start-up clinic. They are looking for a Receptionist & Medical Translator to join the new team.【 What you will be doing 】- Answer the telephone in a courteous and professional manner.- Receive and convey messages in writing, verbally, and electronically/ e-mails. Check emails regularly.- Assist with patient registration and appointment.- Japanese to English and English to Japanese interpretation for doctors and patients (training will be provided)- Prepare claims form for the patient with insurance policy coverage.- Assist patients with vaccination bookings.- Receive lab reports, share them with the doctor, call the patient and conduct filing accordingly.- Orders for stationery and supplies for clinic usage. - Liaise with vendors, suppliers, and hospitals as required.- Prepare medicine as prescribed by the doctor.- Assist nurse and doctor when necessary.- Perform other duties and errands as assigned by the Manager.
【 What they are offering 】
- Variable Bonus (Depends on Company and Individual performance)
- Annual Leave 10 days
- Medical Leave
- Transportation Allowance
- Health insurance【日系クリニック】コーディネーター 兼 医療通訳ID:33172
4,000 SGD ~ 5,000 SGDWest, CentralJob Description
日系クリニックで受付業務や医療通訳を行ってくださる方を募集しています。医療業界のご経験がなくても、サービス業やホスピタリティー業界で活躍されていた方も歓迎しております。【 業務内容 】- クリニックの受付- 海外旅⾏傷害保険の引受審査- ⽇本側、シンガポール側での保険に関わる事務作業- 患者様へのご案内- 医療通訳- お薬の準備、お渡し- ⽇次、⽉次の売上集計- その他、クリニック運営上必要となる総務的な仕事
【 福利厚生 】
- 業績賞与
- 有給休暇:10 日
- 医療給付