5,000 SGD ~ 8,000 SGDCity4日 ago概述
5,000 SGD ~ 8,000 SGD
Accounting/Auditing firm
- シンガポール進出支援
- 会計・税務サポート(月次のデータ入力や帳票管理等のサポート、記帳代行や決算業務等)
- ビザ申請や登記業務等のサポート
- 顧客との関係性構築
- その他必要に応じた業務
- 大学卒業以上
- ビジネスレベルの英語力(目安:TOEIC 800点以上)
- 公認会計士や税理士等の関連資格をお持ちの方
- 会計士や税理士としての実務経験をお持ちの方
- オーナーシップを持って働くことができる方英文
- 業績賞与
- 有給休暇:14日
- 病気休暇:14日工作时间
9:30 ~ 18:00
4,500 SGD ~ 5,000 SGDCity职业类别
General Affair/Admin, Financial Accounting, Accounting support, Custmer Support/Service, Receptionist, Tax/GST
日系金融機関にて、経理・総務(アソシエイト)を募集しております。事務サポート、経費管理、また投資チームへのアシスト業務などをご担当いただきます。所属するセクション長の直属となります。【 業務内容 】<アドミン業務>- 請求書・小切手・支払スケジュール・予算などの管理、経費の記録- 郵便物の仕分け・発送、宅配便の手配、切手の管理- 来客応対、会議への案内、飲み物などの対応- ホテル、航空券、出張スケジュール管理と予約、出張費の精算- レストラン予約、招待状の送付、接待費の精算- 電話応対、取次ぎ- 本社への報告書、日報、GSTフォームの作成- スケジュール管理、ファイリング、事務用品の管理、オフィス環境の維持- 給与計算、人事異動、スタッフの住居に関する処理- 社内検査、請負業者からの問い合わせなど、アドホック業務<投資チームのサポート業務>- 投資・融資物件に関する調査サポート- 投融資に関する打ち合わせメモの作成
【 福利厚生 】
- 業績賞与
- 有給休暇:14日(最大18日)
- 医療給付Accounting & Admin Associate (Japanese speaker)ID:36450
4,500 SGD ~ 5,000 SGDCity职业类别
General Affair/Admin, Financial Accounting, Accounting support, Custmer Support/Service, Receptionist, Tax/GST
Our Client is a prominent Japanese regional bank. This role of Associate/Accounting & Admin (Japanese speaker) is to be responsible for administrative support, managing company expenses, and assisting the investment team with various tasks. You will be reporting to the Section Head.【Responsibilities】<Admin>‐ Manage invoices, cheques, payment schedules, and company budget; keep records of expenses.- Sort and distribute incoming mail, handle outgoing mail, arrange couriers, and manage stamps.- Welcome guests, guide them to meetings, serve drinks, and clean up after.- Schedule and book hotels, flights, and travel; settle staff travel expenses.- Make restaurant reservations, send invitations, and settle entertainment expenses.- Answer and transfer calls to the appropriate person.- Prepare reports for HQ, daily reports, and GST forms.- Manage schedules, filing, office supplies, and ensure a clean office environment.- Handle payroll, personnel changes, and staff housing matters.- Assist with internal inspections, contractor inquiries, and other ad-hoc tasks.<Supporting Investment team>‐ Support for surveys related to properties for investment or loan.- Prepare meeting notes for investments and loans.
【What you will receive】
- Variable Bonus (Depends on Company and Individual performance)
- Annual Leave 14 days (Maximum of 18 days)
- Medical Benefit【日系大手IT】営業マネージャーID:36333
7,000 SGD ~ 10,000 SGDCity职业类别
General Affair/Admin, Full Set, Financial Accounting, Management accounting, Accounting support, Financial Management, Back/Middle Office
日系大手IT企業にて、営業マネージャーを募集しています。【 主な業務内容 】- 日本企業(主にマネジメント層)を対象に、ICT、デジタルマーケティング、CDP(顧客データプラットフォーム)、ロボティクス、クロスボーダー案件等の提案営業- 本社主導の新規ビジネスや投資先との協業案件に柔軟に対応し、事業開発を推進- 既存の顧客からの案件を受注するだけでなく、新たな案件を発掘し、商談からクロージングまでの一連の営業活動を遂行- チームリーダーとして営業戦略の立案・実行- 営業メンバーの指導・育成
【 福利厚生・手当 】
- 業績賞与
- 有給休暇:14日
- 医療手当
- 医療保険
- 社用PC、スマホ支給Internal Auditor (Global)ID:33317
7,000 SGD ~ 10,000 SGDCity职业类别
Internal Audit
Our Client is a Japanese Manufacturing Company, the role of the Internal Auditor (Global) is to perform an internal audit based on identified risks related to governance and strategy, risk management, business, and operation processes. 【Responsibilities】- Plan and perform internal audit according to defined company’s Audit programs, to evaluate control effectiveness of existing SOPs / WIs, prepare comprehensive audit report to Management, follow up on improvement plans, and review the progress of action plans committed by the auditee- Observe and examine transactions, documents, records, reports, and procedures that prepare audit work papers recording and summarizing data pertinent to the assigned audits- Identify and recommend opportunities for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations while maintaining adequate controls to safeguard company assets- Communicate properly to process owners and management, reach an agreement on appropriate solutions to risk management and operational efficiency issues- Promote risk management best practices and raise organizational awareness on matters relating to governance, risk, and compliance- Coordinate effectively with the audit team to complete the internal audit as assigned- Work closely with internal audit management in promptly communicating issues and concerns- Review the work of other team members and challenge their understanding of audit areas and processes to ensure adequate coverage- Maintain excellent management of client relations while communicating issues, concerns, and recommendations- Assist with training staff members in internal audit techniques, organizational issues, departmental procedures, and staff scheduling of assignments based on the level of skill needed for specific audits- Perform other related duties as assigned
【What you will receive】
- Variable Bonus (On average, 3 months)
- Annual Leave 14 days (Max up to 21 days)
- Medical Leave
- Medical Insurance
- Dental Allowance