4 Ways HR Can Support Remote Workers

ManagementJune 13, 2020 15:50

4 Ways HR Can Support Remote Workers

As we move into the "New Normal" amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we might be expecting some companies being more open with working from home arrangements. While we are still adapting to the life working from home, it is beneficial for HR practitioners to learn how they can better support remote workers so that morale and productivity is kept high.















#1 Remain Adaptable

HR Managers have to be willing to listen so that they can know how to adapt its policies to closely reflect the wants and needs of its remote workforce. This may mean implementing new solutions and policies, or just keeping in touch to employees to understand their lives or to recognise any successes.


2. Foster Engagement

High levels of engagement will lead to higher performance & drive an purpose-driven culture. Engagement starts with prioritizing employees on an individual level. By putting people first, especially during challenging times and giving them space to grow and connect with others in their workplace, businesses will see positive impact.

3. Create Suitable Benchmarks

As remote workers dont get to be physically seen in the work place, it might be challenging for remote workers to feel recognised for their efforts. To ensure that these employees are assessed fairly and based on merit, HR needs to come up with clear and suitable benchmarks that best capture the performance of all employees. 

4. Over- communicate, let employees speak up

The COVID-19 pandemic is encouraging employees to share their thoughts on work-from-home-policies and other new HR initiatives, but it should not take a pandemic for them to feel comfortable doing so. More than just communicating updates, HR also need to check in with how employees are dealing with their new remote work situation. Give them opportunities to speak up and feel connected to each other, and with leadership. 


Hope these tips can help you engage your remote employees better. Similar to many initiatives, it may take time to implement and see results for it. Keep these actions consistent, and it will bear fruit for your orgnaisation!

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